Hiking and Bird Watching

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French River Provincial Park Visitor Centre
Recollet Falls Trail: 4 km, moderate (Distance from AAT ~ 10 Minutes)
This trail begins at the Visitor Centre and follows the edge of the French River Gorge, and ends at the historic Recollet Falls. The short portage around the falls has been walked by generations of First Nations, famous explorers, hardy Voyageurs, fur traders and missionaries.
Grundy Lake Provincial Park (Distance from AAT ~ 25 Minutes)
Swan Lake Trail – 1.5 km loop (1 hour) moderate to difficult.
Gut Lake Trail - 2.5 km (1 ½ hours) moderate to difficult.
Beaver Dams Trail – 3.6 km (2.5 hours), moderate to difficult.
Pakeshkag Lake Trail – 5.2 Linear (2 hours) easy.
Killarney Provincial Park (Distance from AAT ~ 1 Hour)
Chikanishing Trail - 3 km (1.5 hours) moderate
Cranberry Bog Trail - 4 km (2.5 hours) moderate
Granite Ridge Trail - 2 km (1 hour) moderate
Lake of The Woods Trail - 3.5 km (3 hour) moderate to difficult
The Crack 6 km - (4 hour), difficult